Types of Committees


Executive / Actions Committee:

Reports Major Concerns,  Activities and Recommendations, to our BODs for improving our Palm Court Community living, as we address upcoming activities and events, including those hosted by our Master Association, "Ewa by Gentry Community.  

Governing Documents Committee:

House Rules, By-Laws, Covenants & Articles provides our guidelines for management and enforcement of all State regulations and rules pertaining to our Palm Court AOAO.  Ensuring we are current and in compliance offering concerns, recommendations and proposed updates to our BODs.

Maintenance Committee

 Maintenance Concerns and Recommendations for improvements, to ensure the proper execution of projects are completed, with a plan, scope of work, time line, budget, estimated man hours and a completion date, providing concerns, recommendations and suggestions to our BODs.

Media Committee:

Website, Computer Security & News Letter Concerns Offer Recommendations and Suggestions to our BODs. for Owners / Residents to be informed of Activities, Events, Office Hours, Contractors, Services, Repairs and Improvements.

Modification Committee:

Exterior Modifications (limited common areas) of owner's unit lanais, will be required to have a detailed description of the Intended Modification, submitted to our Committee Chair, for the BOD's Approval. If approved or disapproved, the owner will receive a letter from the BODs, with a copy filed in the Management Office and with the Management Company.  All Modifications will be submitted to the Committee 

Legal Actions Committee: 

Legal Matter Concerns, Recommendations and Suggestions will be presented in Executive Session of Monthly BOD Meetings

Personnel Committee:

Concerns and Improvements will be presented in Executive Session of Monthly BOD Meetings